"Beginning on the night of 23 March 1945, Operation Plunder was the
crossing of the River Rhine at Rees, Wesel, and south of the Lippe River
by the British 2nd Army and the U.S. Ninth Army.The British 6th Airborne Division and the U.S. 17th Airborne Division,
conducted Operation Varsity, parachute landings on the east bank in
support of the operation. The Allied operation was opposed by the German
1st Parachute Army."
"The situation in the West has entered an extraordinarily critical,
ostensibly almost deadly, phase." -Joseph Goebbels
Efter förra årets succé arrangerar TAC (www.TAC.info.se) nu uppföljaren, den 30:e
tom. 31:a Maj, 2014. Med sikte på utökat uppdragsspel,
gruppsammanhållning, Milsim och varierande uppgifter tror vi detta års
Operation Plunder kommer bli det vassaste WWII-Airsoftspelet i Sverige
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